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Upcoming Releases

Nonfiction Book

I'm currently working on creating a nonfiction book of advice for first-time freelancers. I've yet to decide how I want to go about publishing it, but in the meantime, I'm working on collecting all of my recommendations in one place.


If you're looking to start freelancing right now, I recommend checking out my 3-Month Business Planner to help you stay organized! You can find a link to it on my Freelancing Resources page.


I'm working on two different novels at the moment. 


Oasis 8, a scifi horror novel that I started in 2020, is set to release in August, 2024. For more information, go to the Oasis 8 page of this website.


The Raven King, last year's NaNoWriMo project, is still in the drafting phase but is coming along well, and I'm really excited about it.


I'm always working on my next poetry collection. While I don't have any specific plans yet, you can always see what I'm working on by following me on my social media accounts.

Writing Supplies
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